Module 2
Water Management Risk Assessment
Module Purpose and Approach
This module outlines key questions relating to assessing your facility’s sensitivity to external changes in water supply availability, the probability of water supply and water quality changes, business sensitivity to regulatory or policy changes and the changes due to community development. The user can consider the water source information previously reviewed in Module 1 to assess the likelihood of changes that could occur based on the sensitivity of the watershed. This may be linked to the vulnerability of the water source(s) that are relied upon. For example, an aquifer that is being rapidly depleted or contaminated would likely be vulnerable to changes or response actions, such as water allocation restrictions or price increases that can affect the business. However, changes in water prices and allocations are often not directly related to the vulnerability of local water sources, but may instead stem from broader changes in public opinion and policy.
If the business sensitivity to changing water impact requirements is high, this can create a strong business case for conducting research and development and investment in creative, cost-effective options to eliminate the water impact. Tool users can assess the likelihood that one or more of the drivers for change will affect the business in the near future. By analyzing sensitivity to external changes associated with water-related impacts, the facility user can make a qualitative assessment of the business “significance” of this impact.
The Water Management Risk Assessment Questionnaire provided in Collecting the Drops: A Water Sustainability Planner identifies the factors that need to be addressed if they apply to the operation through a series of questions.
Usage Notes:
This program requires input from the facility user to answer general questions as well as specific
vulnerability/risk questions. Water use and impact questions have been organized and presented in the following six risk categories:
• Watershed
• Supply Reliability
• Efficiency
• Compliance
• Supply Economics
• Social Context
For each stage, the user will want to consider not only the needs of the facility but the needs of the entire community that share the local water supply.
A downloadable file that represents the complete questionnaire is provided on the web site in Module 2. Printing a copy of the questionnaire may assist the user in reviewing the questions and identifying the specific information that will require time to gather.
Table 4 provides an example of the risk questions contained in the questionnaire and an example of the results that would be generated based on the question responses. The user may choose to complete the entire questionnaire or sections that are of interest.
Watershed 2 of 7
1. Enter the name of the watershed that the facility relies on for its water supply. This would be the watershed that the water is withdrawn from by the supplier or through private withdrawals from groundwater or surface water.
Type answer here:
2. There are several ways that water is withdrawn from the watershed. Water is withdrawn from surface water (rivers and streams) from groundwater through production wells or through the collection and use of precipitation. Please enter the sources of water withdrawn from the watershed by the supplier or privately owned water supply system (surface water, groundwater, precipitation).
Type answer here:
3. What is the average annual rainfall at your facility? Using your internet browser, type in “average annual rainfall” for your facility location. Another link that has reference information is http://www.worldclimate.com.
Type answer here:
4. What is the available water per person per year (m3/person/year)? Review information related to your specific watershed by using the following links:
Please compare the figure for your watershed to the following thresholds to define scarcity.
Risk Criteria
□ 1 = > 10,000 to 20,000 cubic meters per person per year
□ 2 = > 5,000 to 10,000 cubic meters per person per year
□ 3 = > 2,000 to 5,000 cubic meters per person per year
□ 4 = 1,000 to 2,000 cubic meters per person per year
□ 5 = < 1,000 cubic meters per person per year
Importance: |
(1-5, 1=lowest, 5=highest) |
Table 5 is an example of the results which includes a list of the general questions and responses given, the average risk ranking for the risk category answered and a summary of the highest risks to lowest risks in descending order. Table 5 provides the risk score entered, the question number the score relates to and a link to GEMI member case examples that may prove helpful to the user in identifying options for reducing risk.
Collecting the Drops:
General Information
1. Enter watershed that facility relies on for its water supply.
2. What are the sources of water from the watershed withdrawn by the supplier or privately owned water supply system (surface water, groundwater, recycled)?
3. What is the average annual rainfall at your facility? Using your internet browser, type in “average annual rainfall” for your facility location.
9 inches per year
Average Ranking 4
Risk Level |
Question Number |
Relevant Information |
5 |
7 |
GEMI Member Case Example 1 |
4 |
6 |
GEMI Member Case Example 2 |
4 |
8 |
GEMI Member Case Example 3 |
4 |
5 |
GEMI Member Case Example 4 |
3 |
3 |
GEMI Member Case Example 5 |



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Suite 500
Washington, DC 20005
Phone: 202-296-7449
Fax: 202-296-7442