This module provides a database of case examples provided by GEMI members that have been used in a wide range of industry sectors to manage water wisely. It also contains reference links that provide specific water-related information. This module can be used to identify case examples that may apply to your facility with the intent to improve overall water resource management within the facility and in the community. In addition, examples have been provided that outline methods to improve overall efficiency of specific operating equipment.
The user is encouraged to review the operations, scan through the available case examples and referenced information, and identify potential new opportunities where these examples can be applied.
Module Guidance
Figure 3 represents the Community Map found in the Introduction that is segregated into three sectors: Industry, Community and Natural Resources. The user can mouse over and click the sector of interest and access case examples that relate to that sector.
In addition to the case example links provided within the three sectors of the Community Map, the case examples can be accessed by categories that were generated to further assist the user. Table 6 represents a list of case example categories that are contained in the database.
Table 6. List of Case Example Categories in the Database
Water management is a complex issue for any organization. This tool, along with GEMI’s other tools, is meant to assist users along their journey to use water sustainably. While the tool does not cover every detail needed, it covers many of the areas that GEMI member companies consider crucial.
The user is encouraged to generate a water sustainability strategy for their operation, set goals and measure progress in meeting those goals.
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